Colorado-Wyoming Optimist District
Denver Clubs

The Mile High Denver Optimist Club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month 6:00 PM at Denver Bookbinding Company, 1401 W 47th Ave, Denver. For more information contact Gail Lindley. dbbc@denverbook.com (Z5)

The Northwest Denver Optimist Club meets the last Saturday of each month, 9AM at the Alumni Center at Denver North High School, 2800 W 32nd Ave, Denver. For more information contact Robert Bramble, Club President. bbramble@antonoff.com (Z5)

The Park Hill Optimist Club meets 1st and 3rd Mondays, 9AM at IHOP, 3730 N. Quebec St., Denver. For more information contact George Mills, Club President. lmills2@msn.com (Z5)

The Denver South Optimist Club was chartered in 1939. We are a smaller, but active, club participating in Optimist International Tri-Star Basketball, Essay, Oratorical, and Brain Bowl contests. Long led by Dr. Bruce Ogin, Denver South and members meet weekly for lunch at the IHOP Restaurant (1595 S. Colorado Blvd.) at Noon. Our meetings allow full member participation. Instead of a featured speaker, our members are each given 3-5 minutes to share a topical subject of their choice. We find our meetings are very informative, and we enjoy the interaction with our members and guests. For more information, contact Bruce Ogin at obruce1@msn.com (Z6)