Optimist International

Optimist International is a worldwide volunteer organization made up of more than 2,500 local Clubs whose Members work each day to make the future brighter by bringing out the best in children, in their communities, and in themselves. Learn more about its vision, history, mission and program on the Optimist International website.

Optimist International Foundation

Optimist International Foundation envisions a foundation that can provide significant funding for Optimist International, its youth and service programs and is proudly supported by Optimists their Clubs and the community at large! One and one-half million youth are served annually by programs funded by the foundation.  The foundation depends on support from Optimist clubs and individual members, the general public, businesses and corporations. For more information visit Optimist International Foundation.

Optimist International Leadership Summits

Optimist International is proud to introduce its 2015 Leadership Summits. You are invited to join us for this exciting program developed for Optimist leaders, leaders of volunteer or charitable organizations, business owners, corporate managers, department heads, and front-line employees. This intense, one-day training experience will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to lead a relevant and thriving organization. Each summit will offer energetic and inspiring trainers that will provide training and skills building exercises designed to help each participant become a better leader and improve the operation of their business or organization. For the 2015 dates and locations, visit Optimist Leadership Summits.

Optimist Leaders Online

Optimist Leaders Online is a place club and district leaders go to for leadership information, teaching materials, club rosters and much more. Most of the material on the website is available to anyone. Club rosters are password-protected. Visit Optimist Leaders Online.

Optimist Mail

Click here to sign into your Optimist.org mail account.

Optimist Supply

Optimist International has a new official supplier for Optimist International logo and trademark items.  Shumsky, Inc. became our official supplier effective October 1, 2014.   We have entered into a three-year contract with Shumsky as the official supplier for Optimist International and all Districts.  Districts are administrative arms of Optimist International and are bound by the organization’s contract with Shumsky.  All Districts are required to honor our contractual relationship with Shumsky.  Shumsky is the only supplier that may market and sell their selection of officer pins, program medallions, Club banners, JOOI pins, and other official Club supplies to Optimist Members.

(877) 678-2582
Fax: (800) 414-8943